RFSC Worldwide University

Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve been teaching for a very long while and it was only a matter of time before I made my own school so I could formalize my education program. The benefit of my teaching now as a ‘business’ means that I have the flexibility to form relationships with companies and manufacturers as well as individual contractors and being able to scale these relationships as they grow. Also, now that I am an approved instructor for the IICRC I can increase my reach through quality IICRC certification training.

The acronym ‘RFSC’ stands for Robert Falzone Sales & Consulting and it is my core operation. The primary product that I sell is education, while secondarily attaching quality equipment and supplies to my training programs. You can have the best product in the world, but if the end-user is a mis-user then sales will be sabotaged by bad reviews and lowered expectations.

RFSC Worldwide University is on the lookout for vendor partners in the manufacturing field that are looking for end user training from instructors with ‘real world’ experience in using their products. Equipment and chemistry used to clean, polish, protect, restore, decontaminate and deodorize all need end user training programs that in times gone by were provided by the distributor. Unfortunately, the new normal of ordering cleaning and restoration products and equipment online has caused a detachment between traditional sales reps and their clients causing a ‘training gap’. New products and technology that used to be introduced by friendly local sales reps are now introduced at far away trade shows and then ‘how to’ videos are uploaded for the end user to educate themselves.

I am looking to change that experience one happy end-user at a time. I love solving problems and passing along decades of experience to the next generation of cleaners and restorers.

If anyone is interested in engaging with RFSC Worldwide University, please send your inquiries to robertfalzone@robertfalzone.com.

Check out my FREE audio/video podcast by clicking the link below.


Follow me on Twitter @realRobFalzone

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Raise Your Prices Before You Go Bankrupt! E-5

All the internet gurus are telling you to raise your prices but you don’t want to price yourself out of your market. Episode 5 discusses a simple formula for estimating your expenses that can be customized for any cleaning business.

Raise your prices before you go bankrupt! Episode 5

Episode 3

This episode discusses the politics behind where you buy your chemicals and other supplies. Is is misinformation when a company or internet personality advertises themselves as the ‘little guy’ in order the generate brand loyalty and sales? Whether you buy from a large corporation or the ‘little guy, this episode sheds light on what goes on behind the scenes and the economic engine that shapes the market.

Rob Talkz Video Blog

Yes, I’ve decided to do a podcast/video blog. Why? It’s easier than writing a book. Let’s face it, nobody reads anymore and by the time I finished writing my book it would come out just in time for everybody to not read it.

I have a lot of infotainment to offer in the form of behind the scenes industry information and analysis, funny stories and expert industry knowledge. When I hang out with my industry friends and tell my stories they appear to be entertained. If they aren’t’ and they’re just humoring me then this will be a short lived social media experiment.

If you have any topics you want covered or if you’d like to volunteer to be a guest, email me at robertfalzone@robertfalzone.com.

This website, blog and all media presented therein are property of RFSC Worldwide LLC.